Ride with Comfort
Our buses are equipped with air conditioning, reclining seats with headrests, footrests, and tinted windows. Feel free to bring reading material, radio/mp3 headsets, and a small pillow for your comfort. Radios, laptops, tabs and other electronic items may be carried on board, provided they do not disturb fellow passengers and that headphones are used. Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be carried on board for personal consumption as well. Most of our buses feature free wireless internet connection and electrical outlets at every seat for your convenience. We welcome you to sit back and relax, stay connected and enjoy your ride with Niazi Express.
Today we have most modern and luxury fleet in industry. We have a wide network equipped with modern communication facilities, a large fleet of vehicles, professional management, qualified workforce & strategic alliances to ensure absolutely no compromise on the quality of our service.
Head Office: Band Road, Shera Kot, Lahore, Pakistan
Contact: +92 111-22-9999
Email: info@niaziexpress.com.pk
Website: www.niaziexpress.com.pk
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